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Movie Quote of the Day: Roller Boogie (1979)

Movie Quote of the Day: Roller Boogie (1979)


Roller Boogie poster large

Terry Barkley (Linda Blair):  Daddy, I need to ask you a favor. 
Lillian Barkley (Beverly Garland): [coming into the room] Well, as long as it’s not about skating, or disco music.

Ritchie bought me an early Valentine’s Day gift, a 55″ LG TV, and for some reason I felt the choice of what movie to watch first was significant, like a christening.  When I perused my collection of classic films, my eyes kept returning to Roller Boogie, the classic 1979 roller disco film that is mesmerizing in its awfulness.  I cannot recommend it strongly enough!  Check out the first scene (set to Cher’s roller disco anthem Hell on Wheels—one of my favorite songs of the period), and you’ll understand my choice.


  1. Lisa Moir
    February 1, 2013 at 4:12 am

    Ok. That is one of my favorite movies! And Hell on wheels is often played in my library! Makes me want to Rollerskate right now! I so wanted to be her! Enjoy that fabulous TV. Can’t wait to see what’s next on the movie list. Not mention hoping for some Oscar fabulousness from you!

    • David Munk
      February 3, 2013 at 4:30 am

      Oh Lisa, it does my heart good when you comment on Stargayzing! I absolutely can never get tired of Roller Boogie. One of the best bad movies EVER!

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