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<i>Eating With The Stars:</i> Jack Jones’ Coquilles St. Jacques

Eating With The Stars: Jack Jones’ Coquilles St. Jacques

Eating With The Stars

I happened upon this creamy scallop recipe by two-time Grammy winner Jack Jones (best known as the singer of The Love Boat theme), the very same day I revised this piece I wrote last year about the singer and the most unfortunate in-store appearance of all time.  I took this as a sign that I should pass Jack’s Coquilles St. Jacques recipe along to you, dear reader.  As you know, I don’t cook and never try my Eating With The Stars recipes out in advance, I just propagate them and hope for the best.  I really rely on you for feedback, so if anyone has the inclination to try this out, please be sure to let me know your thoughts!

Coquilles St. Jacques (serves 6)

1 1/2 cups thick creme

1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/4 tsp. crushed fennel seed

2 Tbsp. butter

3 small zucchini, cut into 1/4″ slices

3 unsalted butter (not a misprint, the recipe must call for both salted and unsalted?  I don’t know, I don’t cook)

1 1/2 pounds sea scallops, cut the same thickness as the zucchini

1/3 cup clam juice

1/4 cup dry Rhine wine

2 tsp Annisette liqueur

freshly ground black pepper


1 tsp. chopped chives

pinch thyme

If you use the little bay scallops they must be cooked very briefly or they will get tough.

Over medium heat cook the cream in a sauce pan until reduced to 2/3 cup.  Quickly mix in the parsley, garlic, chives, thyme and fennel

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