Tag: Arista Records

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There’s A Lot to Be Said for Melissa Manchester’s “Working Girl (For The),”  Plus a Recipe for Her Summery Seafood Salad in <i>Eating With the Stars</i>

There’s A Lot to Be Said for Melissa Manchester’s “Working Girl (For The),” Plus a Recipe for Her Summery Seafood Salad in Eating With the Stars

Eating With The Stars, Music

“I discovered the album quite by accident in 1981 when, drawn to the George Hurrell cover and my love for Melissa, I rented it from the East Brunswick Public Library and played the song over and over one day when I was home from school with a bad cold. I recall so vividly how the song transported me from dolorous East Brunswick, New Jersey and, for that single day that I played the song continuously, I soared across America—from Detroit to Des Moines—on a magic carpet woven of Melissa’s mellifluous vibrato and DayQuil.”

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