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<strong>No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani: “The Indians Said That She Was White By Law!”</strong>

No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani: “The Indians Said That She Was White By Law!”


I’m always grateful for anything that makes me even think about Half-Breed, Cher’s number one hit from 1973, let alone gives me a valid reason to write an entire paragraph about the old toe tapper, so you can imagine how thrilled I was today when this just fell into my lap:

No Doubt and their always affable, never obnoxious, front woman Gwen Stefani, was forced to pull the video for their new single Looking Hot today after push-back from sensitive Native Americans who objected to…something, apparently.  My how times have changed!  Cher had no problems, not even with CBS’ censors, when she lip-synched Half-Breed whilst dry-humping a horse in full Bob Mackie Indian get up—in prime time no less—all the way back in 1973!  Can someone please explain why Gwen Stefani is a problem but Todd Akin gets away with talking about “legitimate rape” and Mitt Romney gabs about “binders full of women?”

Make sure you get out and vote tomorrow and can we all please agree to let the pretty girls dress up like Indian and sing nice song, kemosabe?

1 Comment

  1. Matt
    November 12, 2012 at 5:23 pm

    “Can someone please explain why Gwen Stefani is a problem but Todd Akin gets away with talking about “legitimate rape” and Mitt Romney gabs about “binders full of women?””


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