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A Five Minute Phoner with Jason Gould

A Five Minute Phoner with Jason Gould

Jason Gould Morning Prayer/Misty
The artwork for Jason’s new releases “Morning Prayer” and “Misty”

When I last caught up with Jason for UK magazine All About Barbra, he had released his EP, and was nearing the end of his first American tour.  On the cusp of the next phase of the tour which will see him visiting Europe and Israel with his mom, Jason caught up with me on the phone to share some updates for Stargayzing readers and fans of his music.


Stargayzing:  Hi Jason!  So you’re off to Europe and points beyond!  London, Amsterdam, Cologne, Berlin, and Tel Aviv!  You must be very busy, yes?

Jason Gould:  Hi David!  Yes sir!

SG:  I know you worked on stage in the West End in the 1990s, have you spent much time in London over the years?

JG:  No I haven’t been back since—I left just before the passing of Princess Diana, so it’s been a while.

SG:  Have you ever been to any of the other cities you’re going to visit?

JG:  I was in Amsterdam in the 80s and in the late 70s with my father, and I was in Berlin for a few days in ’07 when my mother performed there.

SG:  I heard from someone that maybe your involvement in the production has been expanded or changed in some way.  What can tell me about that?

JG:  Well it looks like i may be doing a new song on my own—possibly a different song on different nights.  To be determined…

SG:  Will you be performing more of the songs from your EP?  Different songs than you did in the states?

JG:  I’m releasing a new two song single I guess you could call it—sort of like the old “A” and “B” sides of an old 45.  I may be doing those songs live.

SG:  Will you and Barbra be singing any other duets other than How Deep is the Ocean?

JG:  Not that Im aware of, but maybe you know more than I do!

SG:  I seriously doubt that, but you know people Facebook things to me.  How are rehearsals going?

JG:  Haven’t begun yet—they start in London.

SG:  After the last interview ran, many, many people asked when you would be releasing a full album or additional material.  Any plans in that direction?

JG:  Yes—June 1st the two new songs will be out on iTunes, I believe.  And by the way, thank you for sharing so many supportive comments from the last pieces—I really appreciated them.

SG:  Have you been writing or recording since in the last few months?

JG:  Yes.  I’m working towards an album but the format may look different than a conventional album.  I’m digging doing this independently beacuse there’s no record company manipulating the process.

SG:  (Laughing)  You mean record companies are manipulative?  So I have to ask this corny question for all the Laura Nyro/Three Dog Night fans out there: is Eli Coming?

JG:  Of course!  If he passes all his tests and gets his papers stamped by the proper authorities…yes.

SG:  So the press has reported that your mom has been continuing to work on a duet’s record over the last weeks and months.  It seems fairly obvious that whether you’ll record something with her is not a question of “if” but a question of “when”.   Has it happened yet?

JG:  No not yet….

SG:  You know my mom and I just got back from Israel—it was really wonderful.  Israel is amazing—the guys are incredible looking and they have the best produce I’ve ever had!  Oh, and make sure you visit Yad Vashem (the Holocaust Museum) together, but you have to really take some time in there —it’s very dense, but experiencing it with a parent or child in some way makes it even more transformative, I think.

JG:  I’m looking forward to it!   So what’s so great about the produce?

SG:  You’ll know when you eat it!  I look forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back.  Shalom!

JG:  Thanks David, shalom aleikhem to you too!

More Jason Gould:

The Son Also Rises: Jason Gould Finds His Voice. A Stargayzing Exclusive Interview, Plus the Debut of His Song Morning Prayer!

The Son Also Rises, Part Two: My Follow-Up Interview With Jason Gould


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  1. Amy Erickson
    May 29, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    LOVE your interviews David!!! <3 hearing what's up with Jason!
    Thanks 🙂

    • David Munk
      May 30, 2013 at 12:12 pm

      Hi Amy,

      Thank you so much for your consistent support and especially for taking the time to comment. David

  2. Michele
    May 29, 2013 at 7:14 pm

    David, you always make me smile. Great interview. I’m looking forward to hearing more from Jason.

    • David Munk
      May 30, 2013 at 12:09 pm

      Your comments and support are so appreciated! xoxo

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