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David Munk on the Red Carpet…<I>Stargayzing</i> with David Munk

David Munk on the Red Carpet…Stargayzing with David Munk

Featured, On Camera

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Andy Warhol famously said, “In the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.”  But even with the proliferation of reality TV and instant Internet superstars, the truth is that most people won’t even be famous for fifteen seconds.  See what happens when I took a custom-made portable red carpet out for a spin to bring a little red carpet glamour to average New Yorkers, in this new man on the street video called Stargayzing with David Munk: On the Red Carpet. I wanted to see what would happen if I took a custom-made portable red carpet out for a spin around Brooklyn and the Upper East Side. Ever egalitarian, I wanted to bring a little red carpet glamour to regular New Yorkers

In addition to having a great time with the process, creating this piece renewed my appreciation for the staccato patois of conversing with New York talk: caustic; funny; direct; and often served with a big dollop of the truth. No matter how much the Big Apple chokes on its own bloated prosperity—all at the expense of everything regional, unique, historical and family-owned—the tone and tempo of a passionate New Yorker with a strong opinion will always remain an inviolable remnant of the city before it decided that being more like everywhere else was in some way preferable to being New York City.



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Many thanks to Patrick Pocklington for introducing me to  Joe and Lauren Avallone at RevealNYC, Stargayzing contributor and artist Corinna Tomrley for the star portraits, and to Cam Corrado for all the graphics, B roll camera and all of his support and help throughout the production.  I couldn’t have finished this without all of you.  Much gratitude to all of the on-camera interviewees—especially Lisa Jurick and Nikki Haskell, for giving me something to work with and Douglas Gumm, one of the “finest artisans in New York,” for the carpet.








  1. Sherwin Rubin
    September 10, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    I love your video !

  2. Lisa Carr
    September 10, 2014 at 7:31 pm

    Love how the one woman whispers the word asshole. But does not whisper the word Cunt! Hilarious. You’re my role model! I adore your work.

  3. Sandi Black
    September 11, 2014 at 12:03 am

    It came out better than great! So funny-I loved it!

  4. Jules Pelican
    September 12, 2014 at 5:58 am

    That made me super-happy. I especially liked the guy in the ‘dynamic’ outfit who found his clothes in the trash! Thanks for sharing your joy, David! –Jules (who used to live about a block away from you in EB)

    • David Munk
      September 15, 2014 at 1:41 pm

      Hi Jules. Thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to comment. Where did you live in East Brunswick?

  5. Cheryl Murphy
    October 9, 2014 at 3:00 am

    So great! Hope you have more red carpet interviews in the future. Very entertaining!

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