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Movie Quote of the Day: Scarlett Johansson on Cinematic Expectations

Movie Quote of the Day: Scarlett Johansson on Cinematic Expectations


Scarlett Johansson old fashioned

“We can very easily disappear into these (cinematic) worlds, these fantasy worlds, living vicariously through them.  They set the bar for the expectations in our personal lives.  She feels like the movies and stories she’s so wrapped up in really deserve to happen to her.  ‘It’s happening up there on screen—why isn’t it happening to me?'”

Congratulations to actress Scarlett Johansson on the announcement of her engagement to journalist Romain Dauriac.  Here’s hoping that she heeds her own advice.  I often wonder why celebrities bother getting married at all, as the statistical chances of the marriages lasting are beyond dismal.  I guess hope springs eternal, and with a iron-clad pre-nup I suppose anything is possible.