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<i>Eating With the Stars:</i> Janet Leigh’s Fruit Salad with Daiquiri Dressing

Eating With the Stars: Janet Leigh’s Fruit Salad with Daiquiri Dressing

Eating With The Stars

Janet Leigh bathing suit

The late, great Janet Leigh, best known for her starring roles in Touch of Evil, The Manchurian Candidate, The Fog (with daughter Jamie Lee Curtis) and, of course, Psycho, proved that she was equally adept in the kitchen as she was in front of the camera with this summery sounding contribution to Eating With the Stars.   During these turgid summer days, Janet’s fruit salad with daiquiri dressing would seem to be as perfect an addition to an afternoon spent poolside, as the comely Miss Leigh herself.

For the dressing:  Combine 1/3 cup corn oil, 1/2 tsp. grated lime peel, 1 1/2 tbsps. lime juice, 1 1/2 tbsps. rum, 1/2 tsp. salt, dash of sugar.  Blend well.  Set aside.

For the salad:  Core, rinse and drain 1 head western iceberg lettuce.  Chill.  Pare and section 1 orange.  Peel 2 bananas, cut in halves lengthwise, then crosswise.  Cut 1 papaya in half; remove seeds and peel.  Cut in thick slices.  Arrange fruit, including 4 slices fresh or canned pineapple in shallow pan.  Pour dressing over fruit.  Marinate 1 hour.  Before serving, drain off dressing and reserve.  Sprinkle fruit with brown sugar.  Broil 4 inches from heat 5 minutes, or until lightly browned.  Meanwhile, cut 4 crosswise sections from lettuce and arrange on salad plates.  Arrange warm fruit on lettuce.  Spoon dressing over all.  Serves 4.